Photo by Rogiro

An Invitation

God speaks. He speaks into our hearts and minds through people, nature, the church. He also speaks to us through His Word. His Word is His love letter to us, His way of helping us remember who we are and assure us of His promises. His Word is the road map to help us live the passionate adventurous lives He always meant for us.

These blog entries are teasers. Insights and revelations to encourage you to read the bible, the greatest piece of literature that was written especially for you, God's child.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Destiny Carved

Judges 13:5 (NASB) "For behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines."

Did you ever wonder why you were born and grew up in a specific city and time? Ever wonder why God gave you specific talents? Did you ever wonder why God put certain people in your life?

In this passage we learn that God carved out a specific destiny for Samson. God is a God of detail. Samson's destiny was meant to glorify Him and bless others.

How about you? Do you know what God wants you to specifically do to glorify Him? Are you blessing others?

Today, choose to glorify God in all that you to do. You may be the only Jesus that others will meet. You may be the only person who can reconcile others to Him.

Photo: "World Map-1689 No. 1" by Caveman 92223 (

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