Photo by Rogiro

An Invitation

God speaks. He speaks into our hearts and minds through people, nature, the church. He also speaks to us through His Word. His Word is His love letter to us, His way of helping us remember who we are and assure us of His promises. His Word is the road map to help us live the passionate adventurous lives He always meant for us.

These blog entries are teasers. Insights and revelations to encourage you to read the bible, the greatest piece of literature that was written especially for you, God's child.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Greatest Commandment

Matthew 22:37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment.

There is a special room in your heart that is reserved only for your spouse. This intimacy separates your marriage from other friendships. Wouldn't it hurt if your spouse shared his affection and the highlights of his day with a co-worker and not you? Wouldn't it be painful to discover that she consulted a college friend for crisis advice, rather than you?

In the same way, God carved a special room in your heart where only He can reside. Remember, He is a jealous God. He commands you to put Him first in your heart, your soul, your mind. He wants you to approach Him with your affection and the highlights of your day. He wants you to seek Him first in times of crisis. Today, spend time with God and experience the most satisfying intimacy that you were always meant to have.

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