Photo by Rogiro

An Invitation

God speaks. He speaks into our hearts and minds through people, nature, the church. He also speaks to us through His Word. His Word is His love letter to us, His way of helping us remember who we are and assure us of His promises. His Word is the road map to help us live the passionate adventurous lives He always meant for us.

These blog entries are teasers. Insights and revelations to encourage you to read the bible, the greatest piece of literature that was written especially for you, God's child.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Your Body, A Temple

Appreciate the body God has given you for it was flawlessly made. Who can fathom one of the most complex machines in the universe? We have hearts that pump so our blood can carry nutrients to our cells. We have muscles and bones to walk, run jump and swim. We have skin to protect us from harmful elements, and we have fat to maintain healthy skin and hair. Therefore, appreciate the body you have and ensure that you take care of it by eating healthy food, engaging in regular exercise and getting enough sleep and rest. For your body is a vessel for God's Spirit, created to glorify Him and bless others through loving actions. -- Read 1 Corinthians 6:19

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