Photo by Rogiro

An Invitation

God speaks. He speaks into our hearts and minds through people, nature, the church. He also speaks to us through His Word. His Word is His love letter to us, His way of helping us remember who we are and assure us of His promises. His Word is the road map to help us live the passionate adventurous lives He always meant for us.

These blog entries are teasers. Insights and revelations to encourage you to read the bible, the greatest piece of literature that was written especially for you, God's child.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blow the Trumpet

Joshua 6:13 The seven priests carrying the seven trumpets went forward, marching before the ark of the LORD and blowing the trumpets. The armed men went ahead of them and the rear guard followed the ark of the LORD, while the trumpets kept sounding.

When you are facing a battle, God sends you people and reveals His plans. Our job is to accept His divine appointments and obey His plans. It is also our job to blow the trumpet, which is to declare God's promises of victory, over and over again until the words settle in our hearts and our faith increases.

Today, look for bible verses that declare God's victory over your battles. If you are wrestling with debt, read and declare Deuteronomy 8 over your finances. If you are consumed with fear, declare 2 Timothy 1:7 until your anxiety wanes. If you are fighting off temptation, declare 1 Corinthians 10:13 until the craving withers. Magnify the Lord, and declare His words and power over your battle today.

(Check out for verses that correspond to your specific battles).

Painting: "Blow Your Own Trumpet" by Karen Piercy (

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