Photo by Rogiro

An Invitation

God speaks. He speaks into our hearts and minds through people, nature, the church. He also speaks to us through His Word. His Word is His love letter to us, His way of helping us remember who we are and assure us of His promises. His Word is the road map to help us live the passionate adventurous lives He always meant for us.

These blog entries are teasers. Insights and revelations to encourage you to read the bible, the greatest piece of literature that was written especially for you, God's child.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Genesis 22:9-10 When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.

Sometimes God plants desires in our hearts.
A dream, a hope, a vision for a better life.
Sometimes God asks us to give it up for Him.
And sometimes I don't understand why.

Abraham and Sarah wanted a child.
Nothing out of the ordinary for a married couple.
But they couldn't have one.
After trying to manipulate the situation,
Like having Sarah's maid, Hagar, be a surrogate mother,
They remained unsatisfied
With a child they couldn't call their own.
Finally, they gave up,
Then God promised again,
So Sarah laughed.

A year later,
When they were in their nineties,
The Abrahams miraculously had their first child.
Isaac. Laughter.

I can imagine the joy within their hearts.
And maybe disbelief.
Here, finally, after decades of waiting,
The tears, the calculations, manipulations,
They're finally holding this bundle of joy,
A laughing boy,
His sweet scent of milk,
Bright eyed stare.
He's so soft, so lovable
The sweet fulfillment of a promise!

Abraham must have been a proud father.
He must've fed his boy, and played with him,
and cradled him in his arms as Isaac cried through the night.

But one day,
Probably five years later,
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son.
The thoughts of Abraham aren't recorded in the bible.
His possible inner conflict--
"Why? Why did you promise? Why did you give?
Why are you taking away?
Why did you allow me to love Him?"

All that is recorded
Is Abraham trekking up the mountain
His feet dragging
With his beloved
As He prepares the altar,
Ties his son,
And lifts his hand to slay.

Like Abraham,
God has planted many dreams in my heart.
I've had these dreams since I was very little.
Dreams to have a family,
And children.
Dreams to live in a big city
In a foreign country.
Today He is asking me to give everything up.

I'm not going to wrestle anymore.
I'm not going to ask why.
I'm not going to calculate, manipulate

God is asking me--
What if you live in the same apartment?
Have the same job?
What if you're alone for the rest of your life?
Until you grow old and die?
As long as you have me,
Will you be satisfied and full of joy?

Each question,
A stab.
But like Abraham,
I'm ready to slay.

I don't want to live for my dreams,
Or an unrealized future anymore.
Everything in me,
Is for Him.
This borrowed life temporary,
An undeserved privilege.

My will is broken.
My core shattered.
I'm all His.

I'm clinging to Him.
And I know in my heart,
That just as long as I have Him,
Everything else in the world can fall apart.
And I'm sure,
(It's just not going to happen today)
I'm sure
That one day
I'll smile again.

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