Far from done on my Romans 8:28 rumination. If you're new to this blog and wondering why I'm jumping into the middle of this healing verse, please peruse the last two entries.
Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
The tow truck drivers led me and my car to a street lined with shanties. The tropical rain continued to pour as he parked across the makeshift homes.
"Is this where my tires my tires will be vulcanized?" I expected a glossy car service center, where I could plop onto a dry leather couch and read Inquirer or Mega.
"Yes, Ma'am."
God had other plans. I stood in the rain, crouched under my raincoat hood, shivering, rubbing away the street grease from my sandals. I looked across the street at the uneven boards nailed in the shape of a shoe box. I didn't see any chairs.
The tow truck men gently pulled my car down from their truck. They invited the zombie-like-me to sit inside my leaning-tower-of-Pisa car and the mechanic proceeded to detach my tires and vulcanize in the rain.
I wiped my car's interior with an old rag, sat, surrendered, and ruminated.
All things. All things means all aspects of my life--my health, my relationships, my finances, my work, my ministry. As I choose faith and obedience in this circumstance, by faith I believe that God will cause this situation and my life to work out.
But "all things" doesn't end with myself. The world doesn't revolve around me. (So suck it up. I say that to myself in the fondest of tones ;-p) My life experiences, actions and words have an impact on others. They have an impact on my family and friends. They have an impact on you. "All things" includes you. As I choose to listen to God's word and savor its uplifting effect, as I passionately share these healing words with you, I hope you're being uplifted. I hope your spirit soars. I hope you're taking part in all things working together for your good so you can pass God's word on and uplift others as well.
How have your words and actions made an impact on others?
More on vulcanizing in the rain tomorrow.
Photo by hradcanska (http://www.flickr.com/photos/65946892@N00/3517932088)
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